Compact Objects: Theory and Astrophysics
- Thomas Pappas (Research Centre for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Institute of Physics, Silesian University in Opava)
Modern astronomical observations on the international level on the ground and space telescopes, and recent discoveries have provided convincing evidence that black holes have a significant impact on nearby objects, emitting powerful gamma-ray bursts, absorbing the next star, and stimulating the growth of newborn stars in the surrounding areas.
Study the motion of the photon around rotating...
We provide an explicit, closed and compact expression for the Debye superpotential of a circular source. This superpotential is obtained by integrating the Green function of Teukolsky Master Equation (TME). The Debye potential itself is then, for a particular configuration, calculated in the same manner as the $\phi_0$ field component is calculated from the Green function of the TME --- by...