10–14 Oct 2022
Europe/Prague timezone

Maximum mass of the rotating dense stellar cores with strong magnetic fields

13 Oct 2022, 11:50


Na Rybníčku 626/1


Fatemeh Kayanikhoo (CAMK)


Strange quark stars (SQS) are a type of compact object that may be created through a second explosion after the proto-neutron star state. The magnetic field of the quark star core may reach 10^{18} G. Using the MIT bag model with the density-dependent bag constant for the equation of state, we study the structure and total energy of the SQS in the presence of the strong magnetic fields with different rotational frequency. The equation of state is computed considering the Landau quantization effect. We calculate the structural parameters of SQSs for 24 configurations (6 Magnetic fields × 4 spin frequencies) by using the LORENE library, investigating our models for the deformation of the star, the binding energy, and compactness. Our results show the maximum gravitational mass of the star increases with the magnetic field and binding energy changes as a linear function of compactness with the negative slope.

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