10–14 Oct 2022
Europe/Prague timezone

Geodesic chaos- stationary case

13 Oct 2022, 15:40


Na Rybníčku 626/1


Caputo Claudia (Charles University)


Motivated by processes happening around accreting black holes,a series of papers entitled "Free motion around black holes with discs or rings: Between integrability and chaos" were published in order to classify and evaluate the chaotic behaviour that may occur in geodesic motion around static black holes if these are perturbed by gravity of some additional matter. However the static and axisymmetric space-time superpositions, which, at least in the vicinity of sources, is likely not adequate since accreting compact objects are rather supposed to rotate rapidly. Actually, it is interesting to examine how the rotation-induced space-time dragging affects the geodesic dynamics. For this purpose, we use a recently derived metric (Čížek & Semerák 2017) describing a linear perturbation of a Schwarzschild black hole due to a rotating light finite thin disc. The work is still in progress, we will present some preliminary results.

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Primary author

Caputo Claudia (Charles University)


Prof. Oldřich Semerák (ITP MFF CUNI) Petra Suková (ASU CAS)

Presentation materials