6–10 Sept 2021
Europe/Prague timezone

Innermost stable circular orbits around charged, rotating black holes

10 Sept 2021, 11:30


Hauerova 728


Kris Schroven


The fact that stable circular orbits cannot be found arbitrarily close around very compact objects -- such as black holes - can only be explained relativistically. The occurrence of an Innermost Stable Circular Orbit has a strong influence the accretion processes, that take place in the very inner regions of an accretion environment. We discuss these orbits in the case of charged, spinning black holes, and find fascinating new properties.

Most astonishingly the radius of the ISCO increases with an increasing particle-black hole charge product |qQ| in both cases of an attractive and repulsive Coulomb interaction for sufficiently big |qQ|. Therefore there exists a 'minimal ISCO' at a certain charge product qQ.

Primary authors

Kris Schroven Saskia Grunau (Institut für Physik, Universität Oldenburg)

Presentation materials