Dec 9 – 13, 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Author Instructions


ePosters will be displayed on a 4K displays in the coffee break area. Please, prepare them in a PDF format, A1 horizontally. You can bring it on a usb drive, send it via email to or upload to Indico.

Displays for ePosters: 


On-site Talks: 

Since the conference will be streamed we prefer if you upload your talk on the computer in the lecture hall, in a PDF or PowerPoint format, during the coffee break before your talk, or via the Indico on the evening before. 

It will be possible to use your own computers, but you have to have the Zoom installed and share the screen in there.

Online Talks:

Plese, be sure your internet connection is fast enough and you have working camera and microphone. We will be using Zoom for the online talks. Connect during the coffee break before your talk and test the connection and screen sharing. Please, check the date and time of your talk in advance - all times are in the CEST zone.