We investigate the time evolution of two-dimensional sub-Keplerian transonic accretion flow onto a non-rotating black hole. We simulate the shocked accretion flow by using boundary values from semi-analytical analysis. Our focus is primarily on the regime of viscosity parameters that exhibit shock oscillation within the disc. By varying both viscosity and radiation cooling, we explore the dynamics of this specific disc configuration. Our findings reveal that turbulence can develop in the post-shock region, with the intensity of turbulence increasing as the viscosity parameter rises. However, the presence of radiation cooling can suppress this turbulent structure. Viscosity tends to push the shock surface outward by redistributing angular momentum, while cooling drives the shock inward by reducing the temperature gradient force, ultimately influencing the stability and dynamics of the shock. Additionally, we also evaluate the luminosity of our models. The oscillations of the post-shock disc lead to quasi-periodic oscillations in the synthetic light curve. Lastly, we highlight that this type of flow may offer a potential explanation for the complex observational features of stellar-mass black hole binaries.