Through numerical simulations, we investigated accreting neutron stars with apparent luminosities consistent with ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs). We examined the effects of magnetic field strength and accretion rate using the radiative general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics code, Koral. Our findings show that the power of outflows increases as the magnetic dipole strength decreases and the accretion rate increases. In simulations with a magnetic dipole strength of 10^{10} G, the apparent luminosity exceeds 100 Eddington with an accretion rate of 300 Eddington units and reaches 250 Eddington with an accretion rate of 1000 Eddington units. Conversely, simulations with a dipole strength on the order of 10^{11} G with an accretion rate of 300 Eddington units result in an apparent luminosity of only 40 Eddington, which is inconsistent with typical ULXs.