Dec 9 – 13, 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Resonance in a disc-like structure - the Fröyland model

Dec 12, 2024, 4:30 PM


Filip Janoštík


The work explores resonant phenomena in disc-like structures around celestial bodies using a simple Newtonian model - the Fröyland map. The Fröyland map can be used to simulate behaviour of particles in a disc-like structure due to presence of a gravitational force of a perturbing body, but only below the orbital radius of the perturbing body. A concrete examples of predictions given by the Fröyland model will be explored and compared to observational data. There is a certain similarity between the force due to the perturbing body in the Fröyland model and a force that would correspond to Paczynski-Wiita potential approximation, but an attempt to simulate resonant phenomena for orbits beyond the orbit of a perturbing body leads to rather uninteresting results, which likely makes the P-W similarity useless for exploration of accretion proccesses.

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