Compact and Magnetized Stars
- Martin Urbanec
Relativistic, broad-asymmetric Fe K emission lines are observed in many accreting systems from black holes in active galactic nuclei and X-ray binaries to neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries. The origin of the line broadening is often interpreted as due to dynamical broadening and relativistic effects of matter in accretion disks around the compact object. In the case of neutron stars, iron...
Complex modeling of the radiation spectrum of accreting neutron stars.
Strange quark stars (SQS) are a type of compact object that may be created through a second explosion after the proto-neutron star state. The magnetic field of the quark star core may reach 10^{18} G. Using the MIT bag model with the density-dependent bag constant for the equation of state, we study the structure and total energy of the SQS in the presence of the strong magnetic fields with...
Magnetars and pulsars are known for their extreme magnetic field. However, magnetism seems to be the common attribute of almost all other astrophysical objects. Can this universality of astrophysical magnetism be related to the other universal principle, that of least action? We derive (simplified) stellar structure equations from a variational principle minimizing the total energy of a star...