Accretion Discs
- Jiří Horák (Astronomical Institute ASCR, Prague)
Petra Suková
12/10/2022, 14:55
Online talk
Based on the high cadence X-ray monitoring of a flare coming from the nucleus of a galaxy located cca 250 Mpc away and discovered by ASASSN in December 2020, the existence of ultra-fast outflows in the source was revealed. The outflows were quasiperiodically launched from near the SMBH with variable column density and ionization, but constant velocity, for more than three months. We interpret...
John Miller
(University of Oxford)
12/10/2022, 15:15
Keynote talk
A review will be presented of the idea of black widow pulsars and of recent literature which aims to give a lower limit for the maximum neutron star mass using observational data for these objects. Comparison will be made with other related work.