Solutions for Compact Objects in GR
- Thomas Pappas (Research Centre for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Institute of Physics, Silesian University in Opava)
General relativity predicts the loss of causal structure of spacetime. This is clearly seen with the appearance of singularities in the gravitational collapse (Penrose 65), which when removed lead to the appearance of a Cauchy horizon, a null hyper-surface beyond which predictability breaks down (Poisson-Israel 89). So far no counterexample to the above is known, leading to the belief that...
A compact supermassive source Sagittarius A* located at the centre of our Galaxy has been observed at different wavelengths across the electromagnetic spectrum, being currently the best known black hole candidate. It is also the closest and largest in projection supermassive black hole candidate. At the same time, its particle acceleration capability related cosmic ray and neutrino messengers...