10–14 Oct 2022
Europe/Prague timezone

Phantom scalar field solution in the Weyl class

14 Oct 2022, 11:30


Na Rybníčku 626/1


Otakar Svítek (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Charles University)


We derive and analyze particularly simple phantom scalar field solution within the Weyl geometry comparing it with the Curzon--Chazy spacetime. We show that this solution contains a wormhole throat which connects to a region that behaves like a one-directional time machine. We investigate its conformal structure and analyze a non-scalar singularity appearing on the boundary of the spacetime inside the wormhole. We compare various definitions of mass of the spacetime in the presence of phantom matter.

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Primary authors

Otakar Svítek (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Charles University) Lukáš Polcar (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Charles University)

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