10–14 Oct 2022
Europe/Prague timezone

Observing hot spots orbiting Sagittarius A* with ALMA

11 Oct 2022, 09:20


Na Rybníčku 626/1
Keynote talk Galactic Center


Maciek Wielgus (Black Hole Initiative, Harvard)


We report on a first detection of an orbiting hot spot in ALMA polarimetric light curves of Sagittarius A*, manifesting in the loop-like patterns on the linear polarization Q-U plane following the X-ray flare detected by Chandra. The observed hot spot period corresponds to about 70 minutes, and the implied orbital radius corresponds to about 5 Schwarzschild radii. These new observations constrain magnetic field to be predominantly vertical and the viewing angle of the hot spot orbit to be close to face-on. We discuss the impact of black hole spin, hot spot motion Keplerianity, and other model parameters on the interpretation of these results.

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Primary authors

Maciek Wielgus (Black Hole Initiative, Harvard) Prof. Monika Moscibrodzka (Radboud University) Mr Jesse Vos (Radboud University) Mr Zachary Gelles (Princeton University) Prof. Ivan Marti-Vidal (University of Valencia)

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