6–10 Sept 2021
Europe/Prague timezone

Gravitating razor-thin discs around Schwarzschild black holes via the "displace, cut, and reflect" method

8 Sept 2021, 15:50



Prof. Ronaldo Vieira (Federal University of ABC, Brazil)


There is growing interest in the effects of the discs' self-gravity around black holes (BH), both from the theoretical point of view, as exact solutions of Einstein's equations, and from possible implications to black hole astrophysics. Here we apply the well known "displace, cut, and reflect" method, originally proposed by Kuzmin to construct analytical disk-galaxy models, to generate "black hole + disc" exact solutions of Einstein's equations in vacuum. We consider a N-BH (or, more generally, a N-rod) seed solution. By "cutting" the seed spacetime in the middle of the highest BH-rod in Weyl coordinates and reflecting with respect to the corresponding horisontal plane, we obtain a family of self-gravitating razor-thin disks around Schwarzschild BHs.

Primary author

Prof. Ronaldo Vieira (Federal University of ABC, Brazil)

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