RAGtime 26

Na Rybníčku 626/1
Gabriel Török (Silesian University in Opava), Zdeněk Stuchlík (Silesian University in Opava)


The 26th RAGtime workshop will be held in a hybrid form in Opava from December 9th to 13th 2024. 

The number of registered participants is limited, and registration is moderated. We kindly ask you to wait until you receive a confirmation of your registration to finalize your travel plans. Please note that registrations associated with submitted abstracts will be given priority.

Conference fee

There will be a conference fee. A reduced fee applies to students and early researchers up to 3 years after finishing their PhD.

Conference fees may be paid by credit card or bank transfer. On-site fees will be accepted only in cash. If you wish to pay the Standard or Late fee in cash, let us know by email to ragtime@physics.cz.

Standard fee: 5 000 CZK / 200 EUR (until October 31st 2024)

                       Late: 7500 CZK / 300 EUR (from November 1st 2024 until December 6th 2024)

Reduced fee: 2 000 CZK / 80 EUR (until October 31st 2024)

                       Late:  3 700 CZK / 150 EUR (from November 1st 2024 until December 6th 2024)

On-site fee: 500€ / 12 500 CZK in cash (during the conference)

The cancellation fee will be 50% until November 15th, after which it will be 100%.

The RAGtime workshops

The series of the annual RAGtime workshops has been held at the Institute by the Relativistic Astrophysics Group (RAG) since 1999. Its scientific scope is devoted to current problems of relativistic astrophysics, mainly focused on the physics of black holes and neutron stars. Multiple experts in the field attend the workshop, allowing for many valuable discussions and interactions between participants.

The scientific focus of the workshop will traditionally be devoted mainly to problems of relativistic physics of black holes and neutron or quark staConsiderablearge attention will be given to confronting theoretical models with up-to-date observations available through both electromagnetic and gravitational wave windows to the Universe.

Special attention will be devoted to modelling astrophysical effects in the combined strong gravity and relevant external magnetic fields. Current issues in accretion theory will be explored. We will attempt to address problems related to cosmology, mathematical aspects of the theory of relativity, and alternative theories of gravity.

In addition, new methods of generating complex general relativistic solutions containing a black hole will be exposed. We will also focus on national and international collaboration regarding the present and future cosmic X-ray missions.


