Soliton Breakthrough Workshop
Monday, 26 August 2024 (09:00)
Friday, 30 August 2024 (20:30)
Monday, 26 August 2024
09:00 - 18:00
Room: Aula
18:00 - 20:00
Room: Aula
20:00 - 22:00
Room: Aula
Tuesday, 27 August 2024
Amplitude modulations and resonant decay of oscillons in 1+1 dimensions
Filip Blaschke
Silesian University in Opava
Amplitude modulations and resonant decay of oscillons in 1+1 dimensions
Filip Blaschke
Silesian University in Opava
09:00 - 09:30
Room: Aula
Magnetic monopoles with internal structure
Petr Beneš
Czech Technical University in Prague
Magnetic monopoles with internal structure
Petr Beneš
Czech Technical University in Prague
09:30 - 10:00
Room: Aula
Coffee break
Coffee break
10:00 - 10:30
Room: Aula
Solutions to the doublet-triplet splitting problem in five-dimensional SU(5) GUT
Masato Arai
Yamagata University
Solutions to the doublet-triplet splitting problem in five-dimensional SU(5) GUT
Masato Arai
Yamagata University
10:30 - 11:30
Room: Aula
Lunch break
Lunch break
11:30 - 14:00
Room: Aula
Massless fermions and superconductivity of string-wall composites
Yuito Suzuki
Yamagata University
Massless fermions and superconductivity of string-wall composites
Yuito Suzuki
Yamagata University
14:00 - 14:30
Room: Aula
Domain wall Standard Model in five dimensions
Sota Suzuki
Yamagata University
Domain wall Standard Model in five dimensions
Sota Suzuki
Yamagata University
14:30 - 15:00
Room: Aula
Coffee break
Coffee break
15:00 - 15:30
Room: Aula
Scattering of kinks near the coreless limit
Lukáš Rafaj
Silesian University in Opava
Scattering of kinks near the coreless limit
Lukáš Rafaj
Silesian University in Opava
15:30 - 16:00
Room: Aula
Decay products of oscillons
Ondřej Nicolas Karpíšek
Silesian University in Opava
Decay products of oscillons
Ondřej Nicolas Karpíšek
Silesian University in Opava
16:00 - 16:30
Room: Aula
19:30 - 22:30
Room: Aula
Wednesday, 28 August 2024
Study in Mock-Integrability – Vortices with an Extraordinal Longevity and the Emergent Chaos –
Nobuyuki Sawado
Tokyo University of Science
Study in Mock-Integrability – Vortices with an Extraordinal Longevity and the Emergent Chaos –
Nobuyuki Sawado
Tokyo University of Science
09:00 - 10:00
Room: Aula
Coffee break
Coffee break
10:00 - 10:30
Room: Aula
10:30 - 16:30
Room: Aula
Dinner (optional)
Dinner (optional)
19:30 - 22:30
Room: Aula
Thursday, 29 August 2024
"Supersymmetric'' topological plankton
Minoru Eto
Yamagata University
"Supersymmetric'' topological plankton
Minoru Eto
Yamagata University
09:00 - 10:00
Room: Aula
Radiolarians are sea plankton that live in oceans around the world and are no more than 1mm in size. Although radiolarians are single-cell organisms, they have a silicon-based skeleton with a very attractive shape. More than a hundred years have passed since radiolarians were discovered, but it is still not completely clear (as far as I know) why they came to have such a complex skeleton. To answer the question, it seems necessary to understand the skeletal structure and clarify what characteristics it has. In my talk, I would like to explain my attempt to physically and mathematically model the skeletal structure of radiolarians using topological solitons in supersymmetry motivated gauge theories, which is completely different from previous approaches.
Coffee break
Coffee break
10:00 - 10:30
Room: Aula
PINNs study of Vortices in Quasi-Integrable Systems – Identifications, Inelastic Collisions, and the Chaos
Kohei Shimasaki
Tokyo University of Science
PINNs study of Vortices in Quasi-Integrable Systems – Identifications, Inelastic Collisions, and the Chaos
Kohei Shimasaki
Tokyo University of Science
10:30 - 11:30
Room: Aula
Lunch break
Lunch break
11:30 - 14:00
Room: Aula
Gravitating Q-balls: the mathematical and the physical aspects
Shota Yanai
National Institute of Technology
Gravitating Q-balls: the mathematical and the physical aspects
Shota Yanai
National Institute of Technology
14:00 - 15:00
Room: Aula
Coffee break
Coffee break
15:00 - 15:30
Room: Aula
Oscillons in massless scalar field theories
Tomasz Romanczukiewicz
Jagiellonian University
Oscillons in massless scalar field theories
Tomasz Romanczukiewicz
Jagiellonian University
15:30 - 16:30
Room: Aula
19:30 - 22:30
Room: Aula
Friday, 30 August 2024
Spectral flow of fermions in the CP^2 (anti-)instanton, and the sphaleron with vanishing topological charge
Shintaro Yamamoto
Tokyo University of Science
Spectral flow of fermions in the CP^2 (anti-)instanton, and the sphaleron with vanishing topological charge
Shintaro Yamamoto
Tokyo University of Science
09:00 - 09:30
Room: Aula
Construction of exact soliton solutions in a 3-component Gross-Pitaevskii equation by using the bilinear method
Kouichi Toda
Toyama Prefectural University
Construction of exact soliton solutions in a 3-component Gross-Pitaevskii equation by using the bilinear method
Kouichi Toda
Toyama Prefectural University
09:30 - 10:00
Room: Aula
Coffee break
Coffee break
10:00 - 10:30
Room: Aula
Calorons with magnetic charges
Atsushi Nakamula
Kitasato University
Calorons with magnetic charges
Atsushi Nakamula
Kitasato University
10:30 - 11:30
Room: Aula
Integrable Vortices on Compact Surfaces
Kaoru Miyamoto
Kitasato University
Integrable Vortices on Compact Surfaces
Kaoru Miyamoto
Kitasato University
11:30 - 12:00
Room: Aula
12:00 - 20:00
Room: Aula