27 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
Europe/Prague timezone

Interaction of gravitational waves with the pulsar magnetosphere

30 Nov 2023, 11:40


Na Rybníčku 626/1


Prof. Maurizio Falanga (International Space Science Institute)


he magnetosphere of a pulsar is one the most extreme places in the universe due to its properties,
like magnetic fields, plasma composition, and several mechanisms to produce electromagnetic emission.
New open questions lie in how gravitational waves (GWs) can influence the magnetospheres of compact stars,
resulting in potentially observable changes in the electromagnetic signatures due to the Gertsenshtein-Zel'dovich effect.
Though these, we emphasize the need for a generalized theoretical formalism when the GW polarisation state and direction of propagation are incident at any arbitrary
orientation and, most notably, the detailed simulations to test it with a broader range of observations.
We present our preliminary results of the simulated expected radio-band spectrum observed for a canonical pulsar
with a small time-dependent addition to a large static, transverse magnetic field. We consider the gravitational radiation
as the first-order perturbations in nearby spacetime. We also indicate how observation of the direct impact of gravitational waves
on a neutron star's intrinsic spin is highly unlikely, highlighting magnetospheres as the promising probes of
high-frequency gravitational wave interactions with compact objects.

Primary author

Prof. Maurizio Falanga (International Space Science Institute)

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